Molly S Chase — Lodging in Spring Gully

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Molly S Chase

Lodging at Leighton Rd, Spring Gully SA 5453, Australia, Spring Gully, South Australia, 5453 . Here you will find detailed information about Molly S Chase: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    7:00 AM – 12:00 AM
  • Tuesday
    7:00 AM – 12:00 AM
  • Wednesday
    7:00 AM – 12:00 AM
  • Thursday
    7:00 AM – 12:00 AM
  • Friday
    7:00 AM – 12:00 AM
  • Saturday
    7:00 AM – 12:00 AM
  • Sunday
    7:00 AM – 12:00 AM


Based on 5 reviews


South Australia
Leighton Rd, Spring Gully SA 5453, Australia, Spring Gully, South Australia, 5453
Spring Gully

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About Molly S Chase

Molly S Chase is a Australian Lodging based in Spring Gully, South Australia. Molly S Chase is located at Leighton Rd, Spring Gully SA 5453, Australia,

Please contact Molly S Chase using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Molly S Chase opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Molly S Chase

  • Sean
    Added 2015.11.24
    The table is cheap wood and the wooden chairs are wobbly. The fridge for a place sleeping at least four adults is woefully inadequate and takes a LONG time to cool anything off. The rubbish bins outside have to be anchored down with bricks on their lids as they have no secure storage area. Our worst experience apart from the lack of fridge storage and NO OVEN was the microwave. Now I am 5' 4" which is average or close to average height for a woman. The microwave is so high up you cannot see the contents of one of the soup bowls ( they only come in huge heavy size in the cabin), so you need to get it right out and put it on the counter to deal with cant see into it. Trying to shift a heavy hot bowl from above your head, I hooked the bottom of the bowl on the turntable glass, pushed it back to save being scalded and then nearly brought the whole light weight tiny microwave down on top of me. IT ISN'T SECURED! Then we couldn't get the device under the glass turntable back in place and had to stand on one of the rickety chairs. There is a certification of safety (quite recent) on display in the cabin, and it looks authentic, so I don't know how they missed this OH&S risk. We also managed to catch and kill 15 creepy crawlies, spiders, millipedes and roaches. There was a dead roach under the oil bottle in the kitchen cupboard. What am I complaining about when after all it is just a shack.. I wouldn't but for the price. Was shocked when I saw the listed prices on a brochure in the cabin. And there wasn't any top sheet for our bed. Luckily I brought towels for my husband and myself, so the other couple could have the four towels provided. Luxury this is not. And from the loudness of nearby parties, serenity this was not. Added to that admonitions to be tidy and clean up for the next person. Isn't the whole idea of staying somewhere else ?
  • Connor
    Added 2014.11.26
    A little isolated, but you have to expect that for the serenity. No traffic or neighbors.
  • Hayden
    Added 2013.10.17
    Fantastic views,very peaceful, not really for kids but great for a romantic getaway. Wineries close by.
  • Gabriel
    Added 2013.09.12
    We stayed as part of a group who were part of the bridal party. While generally scenic , the road was very rough and severely needed some treatment here and there, let alone the actual property track. More nimble footed individuals would be right, but I wouldn't have walked anywhere on the property- firstly because of snakes in the long grass and secondly because the rough road was all scree and steep.. It may have been the Molly's property that gave the Bridal Party Rolls Royce a puncture or merely the long dirt road between it and Eldredge wines. Either way the party got there eventually albeit quite late. We had to stop once to drag a branch out which was caught under our car... You get the idea. Fields of fragrant native lavender very beautiful... but no wildlife at all except the odd magpie. This may be because it is a dog friendly property or just unlucky. We did get to share the party of another of the 100's of B and B's on the Saturday night which are scattered through the scrubby bush-land in this area. We could not see them but it was as loud as any other party in the Burbs.. so much for the serenity...the Bathroom facility has no lock on the door and the shower is merely a low pressure drizzle into the spa bath. I wondered why there was no shower curtain- there would never be a need for one- the water barely covers you, let alone has any to splash out. Again this makes me wonder why there is no lock on the door. If someone walks in on you, you dont even have a shower curtain to hide behind! The Toilet door has a lock on it, but it is broken, as is the towel holder in the toilet. The cleaner/ person in charge compromised by hanging the towel over the toilet paper holder. Not Sanitary. The bed closest to the front door is just a lump of latex/ foam over boards- yep like a rock- no ensemble comfort here. The bed is stated to be queen size, but it is the smallest queen size we have ever slept in. I think it must be a double. There is only room for a tiny dressing table with four small drawers and two small bedside thingos... your clothes are supposed to hang on cheap dry cleaning style coat hangers on a couple of hooks behind the door, so remember to bring your own!
  • Bria
    Added 2013.07.07
    Very relaxing clean and tidy . Emma was very helpful. Even brought our dog
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